Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Dealing With CHANGE: The Wind In Your Face

A young man, with more money than sense, buys the hottest, fastest, most expensive sports car available -- a Ferrari GTO -- and takes it out for a spin. He stops at a light, and an old man on a moped pulls up next to him. "What kind of car yaw' got there, sonny?" A brand new Ferrari GTO. It cost a quarter of a million dollars!" "That's a lot of money". "Why does it cost so much?" "Because it's the hottest, fastest car there is - it can do up to 320 miles per hour!" "Mind if I look inside?" "No problem." The old man leans into the window as far as he can and looks around, then sitting back said, "That's pretty slick, all right!"

Just then the light changes. The young man decides to show the old man just what his car can do. He floors it, and within 30 seconds the speedometer reads 160 mph. Suddenly, he notices a dot in his rear view mirror. It seems to be getting closer and then suddenly . . . hhhooooosssshhh! Something whips by him, going much faster!

"What on earth could be going faster than my Ferrari?" the young man thinks. Then, ahead of him, he sees a small dot coming straight toward him. Whooooosh! It goes by again, heading in the opposite direction! "Couldn't be." "How could a man on a moped outrun a Ferrari?" But again, he sees a dot in his rear view mirror. Whoooosh, Kabbbblaaammm! It plows into the back of the car, demolishing the rear end.

The young man jumps out of the car and sees - it IS the old man! He runs up to him lying on the concrete and says, "Oh, dear - Is there anything I can do?" The old man wheezes, "Young feller, could you unhook my suspenders from your side-view mirror?"

Sometimes in life, you can feel just like the old man. The faster you move forward, the more the wind blows against your face. Encountering difficulty and resistance? Its because you're making significant progress. Those who have no problems ever venture to accomplish anything. Those who face the most challenges, often create the most value. When a particular problem arises, its because you have progressed to the point where you can deal with it and are ready for where it can bring you. See obstacles as a gateway, thats their true value. Each new challenge is a stepping-stone to meaningful accomplishment. So, feel the stiff wind as it blows against your face. You're feeling your rapid movement forward!

Nature wont let us stay in any one place too long- just long enough to gather the experience necessary for the souls unfolding. The Universe never gives you more than you are capable of handling.

In every person's life there have been instances, which seemed completely shattering, (Ive had my share!) It takes perception and patience to see beyond what appears to be useless and painful. Appreciate that the larger system, the Good, remains intact no matter how chaotic everything in our own little world may seem. We live in a spiritual Universe that is governed by spiritual law and intelligence.

No matter how frightening a situation may be, it is still transitory. Only the Good is lasting. The rest came to pass. Look back in your life and recall the times when you were frantic over some crisis or misfortune that seemed to be the end of everything. Where is that challenge now? Where are the people who were standing in the way of your Good?

When change seems to be THRUST upon you and it looks like its happening TO you, don't get all hung up in the "story." Sit back, wait for a deeper meaning to be revealed. It will!

If the wind of change is chafing your face lately, commit to NOT telling the story for at least 1 week not even to yourself! Just be with it. Invite the answer to this question: What greater understanding, what deeper awareness of the Law's operation in my life is this experience offering me? Then, sit back and enjoy the ride!

Dr. Toni LaMotta has spoken internationally, authored several books and numerous articles and has served as a consultant, and trainer to a variety of corporations. Her experiences range from being a high school teacher to working with some of the top companies, associations, and organizations in the world. She served as a Catholic nun and pastoral associate for 16 years before discovering New Thought. Bibbye Blog31086
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