Wednesday, January 30, 2008

New Experience For Some San Diego Schools Students And Their Teachers

This July, Annie Santana, a Spanish teacher at Mission Bay High School, part of the San Diego schools, departed the city and headed for the island of Robinson Crusoe, Chile. In the seventh year of her career, Santana joined the Fulbright teacher exchange program.

For one year, Santana will teach English as a second language at a Chilean school on the island; but her students will not be losing her. A Chilean teacher will be replacing Santana at Mission Bay. While both teachers are immersing themselves into their new cultures, the students in both countries also will be exposed through their teachers to a new cultural experience and another country.

Both teachers will have many challenges to face, since there are many differences between the cultures. Chilean classrooms, for example, are smaller in size than those in the San Diego schools. The culture-driven relationships between teacher and student are much closer in Chile, as well.

Santana initiated the contact with the Fulbright teacher exchange program. She believed that she was ready to advance to the next level of cross-cultural experiences by teaching abroad. Santana thoroughly researched the available options. Many did not meet her needs, since she would have to give up her teaching position with the San Diego schools. The Fulbright program best fit her needs, since the exchange is only for one year and an exchange teacher will take her place, allowing her to retain her position with the San Diego schools.

Santana chose Chile, because it is more economically stable than other Latin American countries. To prepare for her trip to Chile, she read the House of Spirits, by Chilean author Isabel Allende. The book aptly portrays the culture in Chile, which is largely influenced by the many German immigrants over the years.

Before leaving in July, Santana remarked of her interest in experiencing the differences between the cultures of the U.S. and Chile. She also was excited to see how Chile differs from other Latin American cultures, of which she is familiar from her own Mexican heritage. She also was looking forward to seeing how school operations differ from the San Diego schools, as well as societal norms and the general day-to-day routines.

Other differences that Santana and her students back in the San Diego schools will experience are the Chilean customs and the difference between the Spanish known and taught by Santana and Chilean Spanish, which has a different accent, slang and word usage.

Santana is scheduled to return to the United States and the San Diego schools in July 2007. Until then, she plans to communicate with her family, friends, the Chilean teacher, and her San Diego schools students by way of the Internet. She wants everyone, especially her San Diego schools students, to enjoy her adventure with her. It is a great opportunity for them to experience life outside San Diego.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information on San Diego schools visit Blog59317
Beth Blog11758

Types Scholarship For College Students Given By Schools

With the increasing cost of college education, you surely would want to know the different possibilities wherein you can study and earn a degree without paying so much or without paying at all. Sounds familiar?

What about scholarship for college students?

Now thats more familiar.

But getting familiar with the phrase would not give you any result and would not even let you finish college for free. You still have to know the types of scholarship for college student so that you can choose which one is right for you.

You see, not all scholarships are created equal. Some have certain criteria and others have certain requirements. Each has its own sets of rules for qualification set by the sponsor. But for the basic knowledge about the different college scholarships offered, here are the things you should know:

Academic scholarship for college students

This is probably the most famous type of college scholarship. Here, students are awarded with free education provided that they pass an entrance examination for scholarship or finished high school with honors or, passed whatever requirements the sponsor have set. Most colleges and universities offer this type of scholarship. Academic scholars would have to maintain certain grade to keep their education free.

For private organizations that offer academic scholarship, rules on maintaining certain grade are less strict than colleges and universities. This though does not mean that private organizations are more lenient to their scholars. This only means that colleges and universities can watch the status of their academic scholars closely since they have the access to the school records.

Athletic scholarship for college students

Finishing college through athletic scholarship is another way to study for less or even for free. It is a given fact that many students dream of becoming an athlete on their school mainly because athletes are awarded with free education. The thing is: since it may be easier to play sports than to become excellent in academics, competition among students is fierce.

Meanwhile, there are private institutions that award athletic scholarships to students. And their system works the same as colleges and university grants.

Departmental scholarship for college students

Many college and university departments offer scholarships for two reasons: to attract more students to study in their department, and to maintain students who wish to move to another department.

These 3 are not the only scholarship grants that could bet. But basically, these 3 are given most of the time.

This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more information on scholarship & other useful information, please visit Blog99509
Barry Blog99948

How To Master Digital Photography Basics

With the advent of digital cameras, the cost of photography has plummeted considerably, with the result that there has been a surge of interest in the field. Greenhorns in this area however, need not fret. Sharpening up on your digital photography skills is easy, provided you have the basics at the tip of your tongues, or is it, at the tip of your lenses!

Mastering the basics of digital photography, first and foremost involves knowing all about pixels and resolutions. These are the parameters that have a direct bearing, and quite a lion's share on the quality of the images being generated. The more the pixel count, the better the resolution or clarity of the picture and the better it turns out when enlarged. So it is obvious that the fastidious photographers prefer robust pixel values. However, with the market flooded with digital cameras of various makes, you can hope for a good bargain. Let us discuss a few basics of digital photography.

Zoom And Tele Lenses

Going digital has also meant that you can click away merrily at anything and everything under the sun. This will only help you get well up on the nitty-gritty of the zoom modes. The Optical Zoom of a camera is worth tinkering with. The "Telephoto" mode makes your subject appear larger while the "Wide Angle" mode is all about cramming a lot of a scene into your picture and hence the elements of the picture appear smaller.


Toying with the controls of your digital camera is a good way of getting a hang about the different picture modes and hence be able to put them to good use. For instance, instead of relying on the instruction manual, see for yourself that the Portrait Mode actually sharpens your subject and de-focuses the background. For those who are not yet comfortable with the exposure, focus and flash parameters can take the help of the Auto Mode in the awkward initial stages.


There is no such thing as a photography gene. Good photographers weave magic with their cameras, but this magic is all about getting the lighting and flash issues straightened in their photographs. Shooting in the early morning light is advisable if you want to avoid the harsh glare of the midday sun and in case of night photography, filming during the twilight hours or just as the moon is rising gives you the best results. You should not shoot with the sun directly in front of the lens.

Using the Flash

The flash is quite a lure for the novice photographer but results are not always satisfactory. This is because improper use of the flash function leads to the marring of good photos. In fact, the flash really leads to underexposure, and thus ungainly shadows in night photography. While you are using this feature, inch closer to your subject and thus make sure that all the areas of the picture are equally lighted up.

Shutter Speed

The shutter speed is one area that many newcomers to digital photography is quite oblivious to. But you will be amazed at the dramatic results that mere varying the speeds can bring about. The rule of thumb: fast shutter speeds "freeze" the action, while slow values will result in a blur. Slow shutter speed also let more light enter into the camera, so this is an option worth considering when you need to shoot in low light conditions.

The basics of digital photography are not hard to master. And being well versed in them will help you capture reality in all its essence.

Connie Fillmore is a successful writer and publisher of photography related issues, for more informative articles go to Blog98181
Alexine Blog48269

Tips on Choosing a Homeschool Curriculum

Now that youve made the choice to homeschool your child, youre faced with thousands of curriculum choices. How do you know what is right for your family? Here are some tips to help narrow down your choices and guide you to the best curriculum for your child.

Consider your objectives

Think about why you chose homeschooling. What is the most important benefit in your estimation? Are you concerned about the quality of your childs education? Do you want to mesh your childs secular education with religious instruction? Is it important to you that your child be accepted into a good college, or are you more concerned with teaching your child entrepreneurialism or respect for the earth?

What is truly important to you and how do you want to impart that to your child?

Answering these questions can help lead you in the right direction in regards to what curriculum to choose.

Consider your situation

Do you have 3 or more children? Do you work part time or have little support? Its going to be especially challenging for you to spend time educating. A curriculum that requires minimal teacher preparation and supervision might be best, for instance the All in One style of homeschool curriculum versus unit studies.

What about your financial situation? If you are short on funds, you may lean towards an eclectic style. You can find homeschool materials cheaply or even free via the Internet, and even yard sales, thrift stores and online auctions. Conversely, if money is no object, you can go all out and pick a curriculum that includes all the craft and science project materials as well as hard bound books your child will be reading during the year. Teacher support via Internet or phone may be available also.

Consider your philosophy

Do you believe in a classical education philosophy that dictates a lot of copywork and memorization, or are you a proponent of a more experiential, hands on or informal style of learning? If you choose a curriculum that doesnt mesh with your beliefs about education, youll find yourself frustrated and likely your child will be unhappy too.

There is no one best choice. You should be congratulated for being willing to invest the time and energy to educate your child at home. Dont stress out about curriculum choices. As a home schooling parent you are free to change things whenever you want to. Finding the right curriculum for you and your child isnt that hard once you know what you truly want from your home schooling experience.

Carrie Lauth is a homeschooling Mom of 4 and the host of For more homeschooling resources, visit: Belle Blog47291
Cecily Blog66560

Three Dallas Schools Make Newsweeks Best 100 High Schools List Tag High School Is #1!

In their May 8, 2006, issue, Newsweek listed their Best 100 Public Schools across the nation. They ranked the schools using a ratio of the number of Advanced Placement (AP) and/or International Baccalaureate tests taken by all students within a school, divided by the number of graduating seniors. The 2006 list was based on the 2004-2005 school year. Their aim is to acknowledge those schools that do the best job of preparing average students for college, regardless of their economic background.

Three Dallas schools made the list with one taking top honors. Dallas schools Highland Park High School weighed in at number 18 with a ratio of 4.735. Dallas schools Science and Engineering Magnet took honors at number eight with a ratio of 6.275. Dallas schools Talented and Gifted (TAG) High School had a 14.128 ratio and ranked number ONE! What an achievement for the Dallas schools.

Located near downtown Dallas in an impoverished neighborhood, TAG exemplifies how a school can meet the Dallas schools goals of providing an excellent education for each and every child. The racially mixed student body receives a high-level of learning that challenges each child to achieve. TAG focuses on getting students into college through AP courses, providing the same opportunities to its students as the wealthy private schools.

Some educators refer to schools like Dallas schools TAG as a boutique school, catering to special interest while ignoring course variety. Educators, including those in the Dallas schools, have been demanding reform for over 10 years; yet, they cannot agree on what works. In the 80s, the thought was to make all students college ready through a rigorous core curriculum. In the 90s, school choice and testing became the norm. Now, some are calling for dumping the entire public school system; while others see smaller schools, class size, and a boutique focus as optimum.

Even when a plan is working as it is in Dallas schools TAG High School, opposition still rears its ugly head. Some believe that the smaller school loses the social acclimation that the larger high schools provide. They say that maintaining quality is difficult and the coursework lacks substance. Proponents of Dallas schools TAG say that these Dallas Schools students get more teacher and counselor attention and the children are less likely to get lost in the crowd, which gives the students an edge.

TAG is one of the Dallas schools that is committed to helping students achieve their best, encouraging each and every student to aim high. They stress the importance of attending college and try to make the AP as much a part of students lives as music or hanging out with their friends. While only 30 percent of high school students across the nation take any AP courses at all, each TAG student is required to take at least one, with most students taking more.

Dallas schools TAG and other boutique schools like it have increased the number of minorities taking AP courses, increasing their chances to attend college. According to the College Board, which administers the AP, four times as many Hispanics and three times as many Blacks took AP courses in 2005, as compared to 10 years ago.

Newsweek cited Dallas schools TAG student Fanny Frausto, age 18, who has taken 16 AP courses and scored high on many of them. She scored a five on her final three-hour exam. Her transcript is definitely atypical for a public high school student, showing a seemingly impossible schedule of classes. She attends MIT on scholarship in the fall of 2006.

Dallas schools teachers at TAG go the extra mile for their students. They assist the youth in learning to meet deadlines, constructing essays and organizing their time, managing workloads, and dealing with the tension and nervousness students may feel during testing.

Schools that consistently have high achieving students and programs were not included in Newsweeks list. Their ratio formula only measures test participation, rather than testing success. Also, due to inconsistencies, the formula does not include drop out rates or state testing scores.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Patricia has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues. For more information on Dallas schools visit Blog43813
Catharine Blog74674

Objections To A Single-Payer Plan In America

1) The government can't run anything. I don't trust the government.

The current gang in Washington may be a good reason not to trust the government to do ANYTHING right.

However, Medicare and Social Security are good examples of systems that run well and on time. People receive their checks the same time every month and health care is provided: on time.

2) I'm a free market person and don't want any part of "socialized medicine."

Single Payer Insurance is defined as a single government fund with each state which pays hospitals, physicians and other health care providers, thus replacing the current multi-payer system of private insurance companies.

It would provide coverage for the fifty million people who are uninsured.

It would eliminate the financial threat and impaired access to care for tens of millions who do not have coverage and are unable to afford the out-of-pocket expenses because of deficiencies in their insurance plans.

It would return to the patient free choice of health care provider and hospitals, not the choice that only the restrictive health plans allow.

It would relieve businesses of the administrative hassle and expense of maintaining a health benefits program.

It would remove from the health care equation the middleman-the managed care industry-that has broken the traditional doctor-patient relationship, while diverting outrageous amounts of patient care dollars to their own coffers.

It would control health care inflation through constructive mechanisms of cost containment that improve allocation of our health care resources, rather than controlling costs through an impersonal business ethic that robs patients of care so as to increase profits for the privileged few. Single Payer Universal Health Care would provide access to high quality care for everyone at affordable prices.

3) Canadians have long waiting periods and come to the U.S. for their health care needs. Therefore, such a plan would make for waiting periods in the U.S.

First of all, ask almost any Canadian if they would trade our system for theirs. The answer is a resounding "NO."

They may have to wait for elective surgeries, for instance, but we have to wait for these kinds of surgeries, as well.

Canadians have the option to buy extra coverage to get heroic measures covered, say in the case of Cancer treatment.

At 9% of their GDP, they are spending much less than we are as a nation. We, the wealthiest nation on earth, spend 14 % of our GDP.

4) Our country cannot afford to insure everyone.

Our country already has enough funds dedicated to health care to provide the highest quality of care for everyone. Studies have shown that under a single payer system, comprehensive care can be provided for everyone without spending any more funds than are now being spent.

Not only do we have more than sufficient funds, we are also a nation that is infamous for our excess health care capacity. Typical of these excesses is the fact that there are more MRI scanners in Orange County, CA than in all of Canada.

With our generous funding and the tremendous capacity of our health care delivery system, the delays would not be a significant limiting factor in the U.S.

5) Americans do not want "Socialized Medicine."

Socialized medicine is a system in which the government owns the facilities, and the providers of care are government employees.

In sharp contrast, a single payer system uses the existing private and public sector health care delivery systems, preserving private ownership and employment. The unique feature of a single payer system is that all health care risks are placed in a universal risk pool, covering everyone. The pool is funded in a fair and equitable manner so that everyone pays their fair share in taxes, unlike our current defective system in which some pay far too much while others are not paying their share. The funds are allocated through a publicly administered program resulting in optimum use of our health care dollars.

A single payer system has no more in common with socialized medicine than our current Medicare program.

Socialism is a dirty word in this country. Universal health care for all has been equated with socialism, and much propaganda has been communicated by the press, by right wing politicians, by medical groups such as the AMA or anyone else who has an agenda to keep the 1500 plus health insurance companies a thriving market with profits that undoubtedly help to pay for their agendas.

6) A Universal Single-Payer would lower the standard of care to a level of mediocrity for everyone, preventing the affluent from exercising his or her option to obtain the highest level of care.

Our current system is characterized by essentially two alternatives: either no insurance with severely impaired access to even a mediocre level of care, or being insured by a managed care industry that has whittled down what is available until mediocrity has become the standard of care. Only the relatively affluent have access to unlimited care.

The generous level of funds that we have already dedicated to health care, adding to this a more efficient administration with an exclusive mission of optimum patient care well above the mediocrity that we now have, lays the foundation for a universal health care system in America.

A single payer system does not preclude the affluent from paying, outside the system, for a penthouse suite in the hospital, or for cosmetic surgery or for any other service that would not be part of a publicly funded program.

But if Americans knew the truth, and would turn off their TVs and use that time instead to change this country, using the power of grassroots politics, to make a single payer universal system a reality for all, then we would finally have the best health care system in the world.

Any group with the passion to change the world, one issue at a time, with a loving intent, can do it.

Kate Loving Shenk is a writer, healer, musician and the creator of the e-book called "Transform Your Nursing Career and Discover Your Calling and Destiny." Click here to find out how to order the e-book: Check Out Kate's Blog: http://www.nursehealers.typepad.comBobette Blog61217
Carmen Blog29660

Some Thoughts On Becoming A Trucker

If you have the will to explore around the country and get paid at the same time, consider being a trucker. Truckers enjoy some benefits that people in other capacites do not have, namely the camaraderie among other Truckers, meeting new people, being able to witness the changing seasons as you commute around the country, unpredictability (in other words, less boredom!), and plenty of available trucking stations. All are valid reasons why people chuck their current occupations for the chance at the open interstate highway.

Of course, as with all major life determinations, changing jobs to drive a truck takes some information. To begin with, think about how your personal life will change. There will instances when you might miss your sons baseball games or be late getting home for the holidays because of arterial conditions due to the weather. Extended periods away from home sometimes take a toll on a person, so you have to decide whether driving trucks is right for you.

If your heart is still set on being a driver, then your next step is to find a reputable trucking corporation or school that offers truck driving programs and instruction. There are usually specialized schools specifically for truck driving, but sometimes, local community colleges have vocational programs available too. The best thing to do is check with your local Department of Transportation office first to find out the stipulations for truck drivers and what type of instruction is the best training for earning your Commercial Drivers License. Chances are that they have a recommended list of the best schools in the area.

The unmatched scenario for training and certification is one on one, just you and the instructor. Sometimes, if you are in a big rig with several other trainees and the coach, that does not give you as much hands-on instruction as you need. Another thing to think about when choosing a trucking business or school is whether they offer labor placement assistance. New truckers need all the help they can get in identifying engagement opportunities. There are plenty of trucking labors out there, but as a new driver, you may not know all the ins and outs of the different trucking companies.

From changes in the weather to that wacky creature driving a convertible unclad, Truck drivers have run across many situations like these. Their life on the interstate highway may not always be easy, but it sure can be an interesting one. A truckers life may not be for everyone, but those that do it, care for it.

Do your research and consider becoming a trucker.

Yvonne Volante, the author, is a big fan of trucking and truckers and writes for, which is the premier trucking resource on the internet. You can see all of the articles over at http://www.truckinf.comAllix Blog37209
Aubry Blog88653

Have The Vacation Of A Lifetime At The Grand Ole Opry In Nashville, Tennessee

If you like country music then there is nowhere else in the world you can enjoy as much as Nashville, Tennessee and the Grand Ole Opry. The Grand Ole Opry is a mainstay of this city known as the home of country music and anytime you go you are guaranteed to see a mixture of current country music stars, legends, and new artists trying to break into the business.

The best way to get tickets to the Grand Ole Opry is to buy them on the website early. This means that you can get the best tickets that are up close to the action and you can really see all that is going on. If you wait until you are actually in Nashville to buy your tickets for the Grand Ole Opry you may find yourself out of luck or else in the very back. Anywhere you sit in the Grand Ole Opry is a great place, but the best view is up close!

Any time of year is a great time to visit the Grand Ole Opry, but if you visit during non traditional vacation times you are sure to have an easier time getting tickets not to mention you wont need to deal with the crowds. The Grand Ole Opry is Nashvilles biggest attraction so everyone is trying to get tickets at the same time, which makes it a bit of a challenge sometimes if you wait until the last minute.

The Opry is open on Tuesday nights starting in March and continues on Friday and Saturday the rest of the year. The Opry starts at different times each night and there are two shows on Saturday.

Country music icons like Hank Williams Sr., Ernest Tubbs, and Pasty Cline sang at the Opry and today their legends carry on with new singers and stars. Todays country music singers enjoy singing at the Opry as much their ancestors did and visitors really love the show and the entertainment!

But, the Grand Ole Opry isnt just country music. It is also a mix of gospel, comedy, bluegrass, todays hits and more. The Grand Ole Opry is located at the Grand Ole Opry House but was located for years in the Ryman Auditorium and before that in other locations in Nashville. The Grand Ole Opry has really been a success in Nashville and it is the best place to go if you are in Nashville !

There is a website that has great information on USA Vacations and Unique Travel Spots Listed State By State and Season, the website is called: Seasonal Vacation Spots, and can be found at this url:

By Robert W. Benjamin

Copyright © 2007

You may publish this article in your ezine, newsletter, or on your web site as long as it is reprinted in its entirety and without modification except for formatting needs or grammar corrections.

Robert W. Benjamin has been in the software business on the internet for over 6 years, and has been producing low-cost software for the past 25+ years. He first released products on the AMIGA and C64 computer systems in the late 1970's-80's. Unknown-Creatures http://www.unknown-creatures.comBee Blog45838
Cairistiona Blog7808

Understanding Your PC's CPU Clock Speed And Front Side Bus

Have a computer in your home that is put to use often? Why not take the time to fully understand the terms, the components,and software used to make it work. To understand your PC is not hard and you'll be rewarded greatly.

How you ask? By upgrading your own system as well as repairing those of your friends while earning extra cash in the process. One of the more important PC components are the Motherboard,CPU Chip,and your computer's Hard Drive.

The CPU or Central Processing Unit is the brains of any computer and the two major manufacturers are Intel and AMD or Advanced Micro Devices.

For many years Intel CPUs were found in nearly all PCs. And now the Intel is found in most systems but the newer Athlon class cpu from AMD have taken a large chunk of the cpu market.

AMD's top cpu is the Opteron which compete's with Intel's Itanium and the Xeon.The Athlon is next on AMD's cpu lists and is intended for mid to high end computers.The Athlon XP was introduced in 1999 and is there most popular CPU.

Intel advertised their CPU's by their clock speed but now have introduced a rating system using a three digit number such as Intel Pentium 735.To understand the meaning of the number you can visit processor_number/info.htm

There you will see a list of all Intel CPUs, their rating numbers and meanings.This information is a valuable asset in helping you further understand your computer's CPU.

What then is meant by the term Clock Speed? This is the speed at which the CPU runs and is measured as a frequency such as 500 MHz or 500 million cycles per second.

As every action carried out by the CPU requires one or more cycles,be means that the higher the clock speed, the more instructions it will be able to process in any given second.Take the time to know the clock speed of your current CPU.

Want to know the clock speed of your CPU? There is a handy little utility named CHKCPU that will show your CPU's speed,and type.It can be downloaded in either DOS or Windows versions and its absolutely free.

The CPU's clock speed is an important indication of its quality but is by no means the only one.You must also understand and consider its FSB or Front Side Bus speed.

The FSB allows the CPU to communicate with the rest of the computer.The 3 GHz Pentium 4 PC has a FSB of 800 MHz and the 3 GHz Celeron's FSB is 533 MHz. Other names for this technology is the CPU Bus Speed, Memory Bus and System Bus.

Note that they both have the same processing power but the Pentium 4 can transfer data much more quickly since it has the faster FSB.

To make it easier for us pc users,manufacturers of the motherboards made them to support several FSB speeds within a specified range.To find the FSB rating for your computer look in the owners manual.

The Front Side Bus speed can generally be set either using the system BIOS.Short for Basic Input/Output System,this small software is responsible for starting the computer's bootup procedure.

The BIOS also recognizes and configures the system's hardware prior to the loading of the operating system. To access the BIOS,you must press a combination of keys such as CTRL-ALT-DEL on older systems but newer PCs allow you enter setup by press F1 or F10.

As your computer boot's up,watch the screen for a key to press to access your Setup.Once inside the BIOS, look for references to the FSB.Other motherboards allow FSB setup with jumpers located on the motherboard.

While most motherboards allow you to set the FSB to any setting,ensure that the FSB is properly set unless you plan to speed up your system by overclocking the Central Processing Unit.

The AMD has its own Hyper Transport Integrated I/O Bus and don't use FSB numbers.This technology resulted in communication much faster between the CPU,the RAM and other parts of the motherboard.

Now when you decide to upgrade your CPU or the Motherboard, don't overlook the Front Side Bus capacity and the CPU clock speed.You'll further boost your PC know as you understand these terms in more detail.

Copyright 2006 Otis Cooper

Otis F. Cooper is solely dedicated to boosting the knowledge and confidence of every computer user. Sign up to receive his informative articles every month and learn PC Repair absolutely free.Sign up now at http://www.ultimatepcrepair.comBerenice Blog9409
Arlen Blog38800

Top 10 Website Mistakes

After being a website designer and user since 1996, I'm still seeing people make the same mistakes on their websites. Here's a list of the ones that will drive people away from your site and cause you to lose business (and your reputation as a professional business person).

1. 'Under construction' signs on your site. Websites are intended to be Living Documents. They are supposed to change and grow. Putting an 'under construction' sign on your website marks you as an amateur. If your site isn't ready to show to the public, don't publish it to a public location.

2. Visitor counters. Visitors generally don't care how many other people have visited your site. If the visitor counter shows a low number, that can be a psychological turn-off to people; if it's too high, people might believe that you've forged the number. Just take the visitor counter off your site. If you really need to know how many people have visited your website, check your statistics. (If your hosting company doesn't provide good statistics, get a new one!) Check out our article on how to choose a hosting company:

3. Lack of copyright statements. Everything you write, and your website design itself, is copyright-able. Make sure you include copyright statements on every page, and update the year in the copyright statement as appropriate. Nothing screams 'Not up-to-date' like having a copyright statement from 1997 on your site.

4. Overuse of technology. There are some really great, cool and wild techie things you can program into your website. But it they are going to distract the visitor from your message, or if they're going to slow down the loading of your page, ditch the extra technology in favor of simplicity. This includes large Flash shows, animated graphics and other large graphics, as well as scrolling text and audio that comes on as soon as the person hits your website.

5. Passive verbs. Use active verbs and active sentences when writing your site's copy. Active verbs are powerful and lend energy to your site. Need to brush up on using active verbs? Check out this site:

6. Long sentences. When people read long sentences, they have to keep the first part of the sentence in their mind when reading the last part. People are easily distracted. Help your visitors by keeping your sentences short and crisp.

7. Long pages. Studies show that most people will not read a long page of text off of their computer monitor. They'll either print it or they'll scan it looking for major topics and bullet points. Keep your pages short. If you have a lot to say, consider creating a series of pages that explain your topic, with good navigation between each page.

8. Not identifying the benefits of your products or services. People make purchases for two reasons: to get rid of pain or to get pleasure. People want to know how your products and services will help them with their specific pain/pleasure situation. Instead of telling them that your widgets are made from steel and are 3 inches across, tell them that your widgets will stop their faucets from leaking for a lifetime.

9. Forgetting to ask the visitor to do something. In marketing, this is known as a Call To Action. Tell your visitors what you want them to do next. Sign up for my newsletter. Call me. Order today.

10. Believing in 'build it and they will come.' It might have worked in the movie Field Of Dreams, but in the reality of internet marketing it's: build it, MARKET it, and they will come. Once you've built your website you have to tell people about it. Think of your website the same way you'd think of a box of marketing brochures: if you don't get them into the hands of people, they're not worth the money you spent to create them.

Umang Patel ( Blog19579
Adelind Blog41889

What if She Doesnt Speak English?

I met women who spoke English well and some that did not. My wife spoke no English at the time that I began corresponding with her.

Six months later when I visited her, she spoke very limited English that she had learned in evening classes. We were able to communicate fairly well with each other using her limited English, my even more limited Russian, a Russian-English electronic translator , and sign language.

If you have ever played the game Charades, then you will excel in communicating with a woman with limited English. If you have never played this game, I suggest it as a way to develop your sign language skills.

For difficult words that you cannot use sign language for, the electronic translator is indispensable. It is a little too cumbersome to use for every word, but it is ideal in trying to translate a word that describes a concept or an idea.

By the time my wife came to America nine months after we met, she was speaking English more or less fluently. One and a half years later, she graduated from all the advanced ESL (English as Second Language) classes at the local junior college.

She continues to think that her English is not as good as it ought to be. That is more of a self-confidence issue for her, than a statement of her abilities. Let me tell you, she has no problem holding her own in an argument in English.

There are two sides to this issue. On the one hand, it is easier to communicate with a woman who speaks English than one who does not. Theoretically, you can find out more about her in an easier way.

Of course, that assumes that men and women can communicate with each other even when they are speaking the same language. John Gray, the author of Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, made a small fortune writing books about the difference between how men and women communicate, even when they speak the same language.

She will learn English soon enough when she gets to America. My personal feeling is that it is better to choose a woman based on her qualities as a person than on her ability to speak English. However, how do you find out what her personal qualities are when you have difficulty communicating with her?

Students at local universities who are studying English can be hired relatively inexpensively to translate for you. The marriage agencies in the cities that you visit can also provide a translator. I have found that if you ask direct questions, you will get direct answers in any language.

I would focus on asking the right questions, using translation services, electronic translators and any other tools available to you.

Language does not have to be the barrier that you may think it is.

Also, the women who speak fluent English usually are from the big cities and have much higher expectations than other women you are likely to meet. For this reason alone, I would recommend a woman who does not speak English rather than one who does.

Younger women, that have attended the university since the fall of the Soviet Union, are more likely to learn English there than older women who attended university during the Soviet era.

My experience was that even the ones who spoke perfect English were on their best behavior. After I spent some time with them, I had little problem finding out about their motives, interests, moods, et cetera, whether they spoke English or not.

Dont worry about whether they can speak English. They will learn to speak English soon enough. Spend time with them and find out what they are really like. See how well you get along with her. It is better to observe her behavior than it is to listen to her words.

I have a philosophy about this: I believe what someone tells me, until it conflicts with their actions. At that point, I trust their actions to speak more truthfully about them than their words.

John Kunkle has been married to a Russian women for over five years. He has travelled the path from finding her, to traveling to Russia, to bring his wife to America, and adjusting to married life. He will show you step by step how to do this yourself.Adrianne Blog13
Cathrin Blog1627

Top 10 Website Mistakes

After being a website designer and user since 1996, I'm still seeing people make the same mistakes on their websites. Here's a list of the ones that will drive people away from your site and cause you to lose business (and your reputation as a professional business person).

1. 'Under construction' signs on your site. Websites are intended to be Living Documents. They are supposed to change and grow. Putting an 'under construction' sign on your website marks you as an amateur. If your site isn't ready to show to the public, don't publish it to a public location.

2. Visitor counters. Visitors generally don't care how many other people have visited your site. If the visitor counter shows a low number, that can be a psychological turn-off to people; if it's too high, people might believe that you've forged the number. Just take the visitor counter off your site. If you really need to know how many people have visited your website, check your statistics. (If your hosting company doesn't provide good statistics, get a new one!) Check out our article on how to choose a hosting company:

3. Lack of copyright statements. Everything you write, and your website design itself, is copyright-able. Make sure you include copyright statements on every page, and update the year in the copyright statement as appropriate. Nothing screams 'Not up-to-date' like having a copyright statement from 1997 on your site.

4. Overuse of technology. There are some really great, cool and wild techie things you can program into your website. But it they are going to distract the visitor from your message, or if they're going to slow down the loading of your page, ditch the extra technology in favor of simplicity. This includes large Flash shows, animated graphics and other large graphics, as well as scrolling text and audio that comes on as soon as the person hits your website.

5. Passive verbs. Use active verbs and active sentences when writing your site's copy. Active verbs are powerful and lend energy to your site. Need to brush up on using active verbs? Check out this site:

6. Long sentences. When people read long sentences, they have to keep the first part of the sentence in their mind when reading the last part. People are easily distracted. Help your visitors by keeping your sentences short and crisp.

7. Long pages. Studies show that most people will not read a long page of text off of their computer monitor. They'll either print it or they'll scan it looking for major topics and bullet points. Keep your pages short. If you have a lot to say, consider creating a series of pages that explain your topic, with good navigation between each page.

8. Not identifying the benefits of your products or services. People make purchases for two reasons: to get rid of pain or to get pleasure. People want to know how your products and services will help them with their specific pain/pleasure situation. Instead of telling them that your widgets are made from steel and are 3 inches across, tell them that your widgets will stop their faucets from leaking for a lifetime.

9. Forgetting to ask the visitor to do something. In marketing, this is known as a Call To Action. Tell your visitors what you want them to do next. Sign up for my newsletter. Call me. Order today.

10. Believing in 'build it and they will come.' It might have worked in the movie Field Of Dreams, but in the reality of internet marketing it's: build it, MARKET it, and they will come. Once you've built your website you have to tell people about it. Think of your website the same way you'd think of a box of marketing brochures: if you don't get them into the hands of people, they're not worth the money you spent to create them.

Umang Patel ( Blog37890
Bunni Blog3393

Why I'm A "B-Level Marketer!"

At a recent Internet marketing seminar, I was sitting around the hotel lobby with approximately 20 other seminar attendees and speakers. The seminar's host was in attendance, and the conversation covered a range of internet marketing topics with extreme frankness. Our proximity to the hotel bar certainly contributed to our "conviviality."

At some point in the conversation, one of the attendees turned to me, and said, "You know Willie, you and I are B-Level marketers. I'm sorry to be frank, but we are."

We smiled and continued, with me not even responding to the comment. However, later one of my friends who witnessed the event said to me, "You're not a 'B-Level marketer!"

For those unfamiliar with the term, it's just a loose way that some in Internet marketing circles categorize various marketers.

"A-Level marketers" are at the top of the heap. They are the best at what they do, and usually the most seasoned. They often came from direct sales backgrounds before going online. They also have a proven ability to sell a LOT of products during any major product promotion.

"B-Level marketers" are mid-level marketers. They are usually successful, but not at the level of the "A-Level marketers." Often the "B-Level marketers" just haven't been in the Internet marketing niche as long, and are still learning. They are what many would consider "up and coming" or "rising stars." They have figured out how things work, but don't do things on as grand a scale as "A-Level marketers."

"C-Level marketers" are still very much in the learning stages. They often haven't achieved much success. Many of them are in what is often called the "fake it until you make it" stage. Those who are teachable and persistent are destined to move up to higher levels.

The definitions above are my loose definitions. Others would probably include other levels, or levels within levels, but that's beyond the scope of this article.

After that conversation, I had to ask myself two questions:

1) Am I a "B-Level marketer?"

2) Why, after 11 years of online marketing would I still be a "B-Level marketer?"

During deep introspection, I concluded that even though I've hosted two live seminars, hosted dozens of teleseminars, spoken at dozens of events to include internationally, written four successful physical books, coach dozens of people, have created roughly 100 of my own products, and own/manage over 1600 websites, I may indeed by a "B-Level marketer."

The answer to the second question is because I connect more with my customers than with many of the "A-Level marketers."

Let me explain...

Most successful Internet marketers readily acknowledge that MOST people who buy our products and services will not use them. They buy them, looking for magic solutions, begin to go through them, and then get distracted and go off in search of easier magic solutions. That's a fact, and there is really nothing that we can do about it. We can only provide our marketplace with products and services that would actually solve their problems IF the customers actually used them.

I am a "B-Level marketer" because I don't press my customers as hard as I could to avail themselves of my products and services. People like Jay Abraham teach that if you're absolutely convinced that your product or service will improve your clients' lives, then you have a moral obligation to get those products or services into their hands. I agree with that, but again, stop short of really pushing them to do what I honestly believe is best for them.

The Internet marketing world is awash in hyperbole (hype), and I simply try not to add too much to the "noise!" I know that people make buying decisions based upon emotion and then later try to justify that buying decisions with logic. I understand the hot buttons, can write powerful copy, and have even won affiliate sales contests.

My faults, that keep me from being an "A-Level marketer are:

1) I know what it feels like to juggle bills and not answer the phone when creditors are hounding you. So I don't want to push people in that situation into spending money on things that they are just going to stick on the shelf... even when I know that those things can change their lives.

2) I know what it feels like to be trapped by poverty and have that feeling of complete hopelessness. I wrote of this in my autobiography, "Git Off The Porch"... which you can read about at So, again, I don't push people to buy things that they need but are unlikely to use! Incidentally, I wrote that biography to inspire people who find themselves in this exact situation. I do that by showing that I was in the same situation, and yet I now live a life that is beyond many people ability to imagine.

Finally, I'm a "B-Level marketer" because of the purpose I have chosen for my life. I see my natural purpose in this universe as being to be of service to others. To me that makes being an Internet marketer much more than a job or career... it makes it "a calling." My calling is to teach those willing to put in the work... how to actually build a successful online business.

So there you have, "Why I'm A B-Level Marketer!" I honestly hope that you will strive to be one too, and in the process help many people to achieve financial independence and their other dreams.

Willie Crawford has taught thousands how to build successful online businesses since late-1996. His membership site contains over 40 interviews of leading online marketers sharing their views on "How To Break Into The Internet Marketing Inner Circle." You can access those powerful and shocking interviews at: Blog1172
Audie Blog44809

It's a Different Game for Trade Show Exhibitors Overseas

Question: Is it better for an American trade show exhibitor to rent a trade show booth abroad if the exhibit hall is in Europe or Asia rather than ship a trade show exhibit from the U.S.?

Answer: Yes. It makes better sense logistically and economically to rent a trade show display in a foreign country where it will be exhibited. Why? For starters, the savings on round trip international shipping and handling charges are substantial.

Also, it turns out that each country has a distinct set of trade show requirements due to the unique characteristics of that nations business styles. For instance, with storage space at a premium in Japan, it is common for the custom trade show booth to appear in only one trade show. In Japan, the trade show booth is often destroyed after the trade show, thereby eliminating the need for storage space. When exhibiting in other countries, this build and burn trade show booth concept is common because the exhibitor is often unwilling to store a trade show exhibit or have it shipped back to their country. Consequently, lesser grade materials are used on the one-time trade show display since the trade show booth will not be used again.

In Europe, trade show booths with fully functioning kitchens, dishwashers, four burner stoves, and full size refrigerators are customary at trade shows. This is due to the business culture of Europeans who expect hospitality in their trade show display arenas, according to Candy Adams, a San Diego-based independent exhibit-management consultant, trainer, speaker and writer known as The Booth Mom. She says that the overseas exhibitor often hires local students to pick up the food, cook and serve it at the trade show. And, at a bare minimum at the American trade show booth in Europe, coffee, cookies and carbonated and plain water need to be served in order to comply with the unwritten hospitality code of European countries.

Adams advises that the U.S. trade show exhibitor needs to plan well in advance if they want to exhibit overseas. The American exhibitor needs to consider extra time for customs clearance, shipping, working in the metric system (rather than inches and feet), different time zones, language barriers and currency exchange rates. If you want to avoid fluctuations in price, Adams suggests locking in the amount of the trade show rental exhibit costs by paying in advance.

One of the biggest problems in international exhibiting is the lack of understanding the language, cites Adams. Be aware that some trade shows require all written materials and signage to be printed in the official language of the show. When you have translation work done, make sure that your words and meanings are translated correctly both into the official language as well as when the words are translated back into English. Make sure nothing is lost in translation, and that you properly convey what you mean to say.

Take into account the difference in trade show budgeting for Europe vs. U.S. In Europe, the trade show costs of shipping, material handling and exhibit set-up up are customarily handled by the European trade show exhibit house. It is just the opposite in the U.S., where each service provider is a different entity from separate freight companies, drayage, installation and dismantling labor, etc.

The flip side is true when European or Asian exhibitors plan to exhibit in a U.S. trade show. They are confronted with a confusing array of new standards. The American trade show exhibit house, therefore, must act as an ambassador to help the overseas exhibitor learn the business model of U.S. trade show exhibiting. This applies whether the exhibit is at the McCormick Convention Center in Chicago, the Kaiser Convention Center in Oakland, the Moscone Center in San Francisco, the Santa Clara Convention Center, the San Jose McEnery Convention Center or other exhibit centers throughout the country.

Dick Wheeler is President of Professional Exhibits & Graphics, headquartered in Sunnyvale, California with showroom in Sacramento. Firm is full-service premiere trade show exhibit, graphics and management services company. Blog6160
Belle Blog38876

Get Your Pet Business Organized

When you get your pets and pet business organized, you can save a lot of time, money and headaches caused by mismanaging your inventory and your time and life. Instead of looking for things (like pet collars, medications, training instructions, website content and images) and buying duplicates because you cant find what you already have, youll be much better prepared to find and conquer your clutter.

So get ready for better organization, everything you hopefully need for your pets and business all in one place. In no particular order, try these helpful organizational tips.

Basic Offline & Online Organizing for Your Business

Your main focus with organizing is to set up a main area for gathering all of your pet information and materials together so that everything is handy, all in one place. Note that whatever organizational methods, device and systems you use do not need to be costly. Choose what works for you and is in your budget level.

Begin by taking a look around your home or other work environment. You need a place where you can establish your organizational headquarters; a spare bedroom, downstairs vacant sitting room, breezeway, basement area, outer attached storage area, shed, garage area, barn or other out building, as examples. When you find a place, start working on your organization there, focusing on these main points:

* Build up your own reference and information center with all of business documents: pet guides, pet health books, invoices, receipts, instructions for equipment, product and service brochures, etc. You can build this within a chest of drawers, file cabinets, book cases, durable plastic stackable containers or any type of shelves.

* Within your storage space, also insert folders to help separate your materials and keep things neat and easily accessible.

* Establish an area for your continued business and pet training information and other educational materials: CDs, DVDs, books, how-to tapes, audio cassettes, magazines, helpful articles clipped form newspapers and newsletters and copied off of the Internet, reports, guides and other learning aids.

* Add small shoeboxes or other storage units for holding your paper clips, staples, pens, pencils, note pads, ruler, glue stick tape measure, tape, etc.

* And when you have your main central area filled in, arrange your other business equipment (computer, fax machine, phone system, etc.) and pet supplies (extra food and treats, toys, bedding, etc.) in surrounding storage cabinets, shelves, bins or other types of units of various sizes and on nearby wall hooks. Visit your local hardware or discount stores for good organizational aids.

So plan ahead and get organized. Save time, money and aggravation when you grab what you need the first time around. And invest in your business, your customers and your self instead!

Renske Buursma, pet store owner with lots of helpful articles and a free newsletter about pet care at http://yourhealthypetsonline.comCassandry Blog91750
Celina Blog22967

Infidelity Recovery: What is it with Men?

I've worked intensively with hundreds of couples over the past 25 years and, of course, you will not be surprised to know that more women than men are "open" to marital therapy and talking about relationships in general.

Most men reluctantly enter the realm only if they "have to." Their marital world usually needs to be in dire straits before they give their assent.

Here are some observations about this phenomenon:

1. Men think they are inadequate when it comes to expressing feelings or inner thoughts. And, they assume this is what marital therapy is all about. They perceive the woman as the expert in this realm and they assume that they will be in the "one-down" situation when it comes to working on the relationship. And, of course, no man wants to be one-down.

2. Men usually internalize. That is, they work through, or think through, a situation or problem. No one may know what is happening between their ears. Men usually do not have a need to "talk out" a problem or situation. And, of course, working on a relationship is about "talking it out." At least that is what grocery store magazines and talk show hosts say.

3. Men are practical problem solvers. They define the problem, look at solutions and implement the solution. And, if that didn't work, try another solution. Wooo-hooo psycho-babble is a foreign world and they don't want anything to do with it.

I'm really being a little unfair to men here. Men, dont be too upset. I sometimes make strong statements to make a point.

Some women, I find, share these traits as well. Actually it may be that more and more women share some of these characteristics. Its Not Always Gender

I conclude that the important issue here is not one of gender, but that of being in a polarized relationship. By that I mean, one person internalizes more and the other person has more of a need to externalize or "talk it through."

The externalizer sees great value in self help books, perhaps therapy, and finds materials that will help him/her talk about and work on the relationship.

The other partner thinks, "Oh no, do I have to?" And, only if his/her emotional or relational equilibrium is highly threatened will he/she journey into this territory. If he/she does, it is only to the degree that the partner is appeased or he/she can find a quick and graceful way out.

A beginning point for a "polarized" couple is to acknowledge the phenomenon. Polarization must be addressed before a couple can effectively repair or reconstruct the relationship.

Dr. Robert Huizenga, the Infidelity Coach, offers infidelity help and relationship advice for coping with extramarital affairs and marital infidelity at: http://Break and Get articles and free downloads on emotional infidelity, coping with infidelity, the cheating spouse, signs of an affair, surviving infidelity and more.Andria Blog11398
Brigitte Blog57308

Finding The Right Partner For Dating

Are you looking for a new partner and finding it difficult to meet the right person? Why not try the internet. If you were to read though most of the dating profiles online, you would probably get the idea that everyone out there is perfect in body, face, and mind. We all know this is not true, but many of the people who start online dating often start out representing themselves as something that they are not. They soon learn though, that attracting someone by being less than honest never works. Once they see the real you, you have already deceived them. If people just had more confidence in who they really are, they wouldn't have this problem.

Think you already know what this subject is all about? Chances are that you don't, but by the end of this article you will!

When it comes time to actually chat with an ability partner it is imperative to be honest in your chat. Don't reduction into the trick of posting someone also's photo because you are not comfortable with the way you look. deception at this purpose is not a good heart for an on open relationship. You must to be alert that this can be wholly a regular ploy and some dating sites look to fascinate people who may already have partners and kill on song people who may be vulnerable.

Find out as greatly as you probably can about the person you might be forecast to meet in the upcoming before you actually make the first court. If something doesn't look right, entrust your instinct, it probably isn't. Ask questions pending you are happy that you have the veracity.

In truth, the more honest you are on your dating profiles, the closer you are open to meet someone who is compatible with you. You can put up fake profiles if you want to, but it is not open to get you someplace. superstar has to be able to know the true you, or at slightest as greatly as you can put in dating profiles. They have to have a good wisdom of who you are before they telephone you so that neither of you end up disapproved.

Ask yourself a few simple questions to determine if you fully understand the concepts that we have went over so far.

If it gets to the purpose whereby you do choose to meet up, use your initiative. There are a connect of regular policy to chart in order to visit sound and feel more comfortable.

Let someone know where you are open and approximately how long you propose to be. If stuff goes really well, it is simple enough to telephone up and say you will be deferred. If potential meet in daylight in a known place such as a cafe or restaurant. Use the first court to get to know each other as greatly as potential. It's important that you both have a luck to language and get a wisdom of the other person.

Most of all have fun. If you find that there is no fascination, at slightest you have had a trip. On the other hand if there is a fascination it could be the start of a long and meaningful relationship.

From beginning to end, this article has helped you to learn more about this topic than you probably thought you would ever know.

Dechen Lau is an Author, Speaker, and Consultant specializing in Dating Web Online dating Match specialist http://www.webonlinedatingmatch.comAuguste Blog76863
Annadiane Blog36143

Consolidate Private Student Loans - 4 Benefits You Can't Ignore

Consolidate private student loans into one manageable loan. Instead of trying to juggle multiple private student loans, why not lump them together and make it easier to manage each month? When you consolidate your private student loans, you replace all of your outstanding private loans with one large private student loan. Sounds like a lot of work? Not really. In fact it's easy and here are the benefits that you'll enjoy.

The key benefit when you consolidate private student loans is lower monthly payments. Instead of making multiple monthly payments on different loans, you would have only one monthly payment. That one monthly payment will be less than the total amount of payments of all the other loans combined. Frankly, this is the time when you need your money the most - for rent, furniture, buying a house or car, getting married, starting a family...

By lumping your private student loans into one loan, you make repayment much more convenient. You get to deal with only one lender and that reduces the risk of forgetting about or missing payments. There's much less paperwork to worry about and you don't have to juggle a bunch of different due dates.

Consolidating your private student loans provides you the opportunity to get a lower interest rate and that saves you money. Lower interest charges help to offset the cost of lowering your monthly payment. So in the end, you can have lower monthly payments without extending your loan as far as you would have.

One of the added benefits of consolidating your private student loans is you can improve your credit score. When you receive a consolidation loan, the funds are used to pay off all of the loans being consolidated. So, in effect, you have just successfully paid off multiple loans - on time or early. And that goes a long way to improving your credit score.

So how exactly does that benefit you? Remember, the house or car you want to buy? That's going to take a mortgage or car loan. A better credit score means you pay less interest and that saves you money. In the case of a mortgage, it can mean thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars in savings.

If you want to lower your monthly payments, make them more convenient by dealing with only one loan and get a lower interest rate, you should consolidate private student loans. It not only helps keep your money at a time when you need it but it helps you improve your chances of saving more money on future loans.

Thomas Erikson is co-founder of which provides student loan consolidation information and solutions.Beitris Blog24566
Cathe Blog24149

Reach out and touch someone -- Coupons and promotions on your cell phone

It's lunchtime, and you can't decide what to have today. So you take a stroll outside, just to see what looks good at the various restaurants in the neighborhood. As you're walking along, browsing at the different menus displayed in the front of each restaurant, you get a notification signal on your mobile phone. It's the newly opened bistro on the corner, asking you if you want to receive a coupon and a menu. You respond with a Yes, and the files are sent straight to your phone. There's a full menu and a coupon for a free appetizer with your entree. Lunch sounds good -- let's give it a try. You've just taken part in a Bluetooth Marketing campaign.

So, aside from the funny name, what exactly is Bluetooth Marketing? How does it work? And what does this mean for the average consumer?

Most mobile phone shoppers have probably heard of Bluetooth by now. It's a standard feature on almost every new cell phone sold today, as well as many laptops and desktop computers. One of the more common uses for Bluetooth is to connect to a hands-free headset, but it can actually do a whole lot more. Bluetooth is really just a way for various devices to connect to each other and share information without the need for wires. So, with Bluetooth, your cell phone could also connect to your computer to synchronize your contacts list, transfer songs and ringtones, even upload those pictures you just took with your camera phone. What's more, if your friend also has a Bluetooth phone, you could easily send them your pictures, songs, videos, games, or other files stored in your phone, all without having to worry about having the right cables to connect.

So, what does this have to do with marketing? Well, through some clever use of technology, companies are now using Bluetooth to send their latest promotions to the mobile phone -- that ubiquitous device that almost everyone uses and carries with them at all times. How does it work?

A small, Bluetooth enabled file server, specially configured for this purpose, is mounted in a busy location. The server will continuously scan the area for Bluetooth enabled devices as they come within range (up to 100 meters). When found, it sends the user a message asking if they wish to receive the advertiser's content. This could be a coupon, a video, Java game or any other multimedia file. If the user responds with a Yes, the file is sent automatically. If they respond with a No, the server logs this decision, and will not ask the same user again the next time they come within range. This so called "blacklisting" feature ensures that users are not continuously bothered with requests to download things they don't want.

And, in contrast to SMS or text messaging, there is never a charge to send or receive files via Bluetooth. What's more, since files don't pass through any cellular carriers, Bluetooth Marketing works even where there is no cell signal, such as subway stations or other "dead" zones.

So what are the benefits and pitfalls, both for prospective businesses looking for a new and unique way to connect with their customers, and for consumers, who may view advertising on their cell phones as a sort of invasion of privacy?

For advertisers, Bluetooth Marketing allows them to send their promotions to people for very little cost. Aside from the initial purchase of the equipment, Bluetooth Marketing campaigns are essentially free to run. Because files sent by Bluetooth are free, it would not matter if a company sent 10 promotions or 10,000. More importantly, users who choose to accept the message inevitably take the time to look at it. This differentiates Bluetooth marketing from other types of advertising, which goes largely ignored by the target group. Advertisers also have the opportunity to market their products and services based on the proximity of the consumer. For example, restaurants can send coupons to people as they walk by; movie theaters can send video trailers of new releases to people standing in line, etc. What better time to send promotions to customers than when they are physically close?

Of course, from the point of view of the consumer, there may be fears that this technology may raise some privacy issues. Would people be spammed with ads they don't want as they're walking down the street? Will advertisers be able to record their cell phone numbers and use it for marketing purposes? And what if someone doesn't want to receive this kind of marketing -- ever?

In fact, the technology does incorporate ways to resolve these issues. Again, Bluetooth servers must always get permission first from users before any content is sent. And if the user refuses, the software remembers this, and will not ask again in the future. This ensures that only people wishing to receive content will get it -- a benefit to both advertiser and consumer. Also, personally identifiable information is never collected by the system. The server only detects each phone's MAC address, a unique hardware ID, but nothing else. It cannot collect phone numbers or any personal information from any user. People needn't be afraid that their private information is being compromised in any way. And, of course, users can always choose to never participate in any Bluetooth campaign by simply setting their Bluetooth to "invisible", so they won't be found in the first place.

Bluetooth Marketing has been popular in Europe for several years now, and is only now beginning to catch on in the United States. Besides just coupons and promotions, stores can get creative and offer free games or songs to reward customers, companies could use this technology to distribute bulletins to employees, or professionals can use Bluetooth to send business cards to potential clients, ensuring that they always have their correct contact details handy. The possibilities are vast. So the next time you're walking down the street and you get an unexpected message on your phone asking if you want a free cappuccino, just say Yes, and look around you. You may not have noticed the cafe on the corner, but they noticed you!

James WongAlissa Blog11583
Brianna Blog76166

Online Schools: the Changing Face of K12 Student Learning

With each decade the face of education has changed to reflect the current trends in education. The policy initiatives of each president, governor, community leader and parent have been aimed at transforming children's learning environments into the ideal situation. While these initiatives may never succeed to meet every child's needs the combined result of their work has created an environment where education can now be tailored to meet the needs of every child through online schools.

Much like the advent of the search engine and booking our own airline travel, the Internet has introduced the nation to online education. To many, the commercial products available from higher education degree granting giants like the University of Phoenix define online learning. However, to a growing population of Americans, online schools have come to define the middle ground between home schooling and personalized public education.

While charter schools continue to spring up across the country, there are a select few that have been created in the charter school mold simply because the education establishment can not keep pace with today's innovations. In Ohio for example, the Electronic Classroom of Tomorrow (ECOT) was created in 2000 not to revolutionize charter schools, but to bring to Ohio's children and families leading education content in a format designed to enable every child to succeed. ECOT provides every child with an education option that delivers to each student exactly what they need while providing the comprehensive state standards based education that is the hallmark of successful public and private schools.

Other online schools and content companies such as the Florida Virtual Academy and K12 Education are part of a growing trend that brings together the real-life education community and the technology community. In many instances this partnership is a thorn in the side of traditional education and educators who see only standard classrooms as the answer to the ills of the American k-12 system

Online schools have revolutionized the workplace for skilled teachers and administrators. The result of this union is the ability to create a tailored classroom for gifted, struggling and needs-based students that, until the advent of online learning, were often segregated to specialty teaching groups to meet their potential.

The education landscape has changed and for many brick and mortar school districts this is a hard fact to face. The local school boards and education departments in America have begun to realize that business as usual isn't he solution to a rapidly advancing world and have begun to embrace the assets of online education.

Unlike the as-we-know-it classroom the online environment can be adjusted to meet the needs of every child and instill the state standards required of students since the advent of the No Child Left Behind Act without stagnating the classroom experience. From thousands of courses to graduation test practice sessions and immediate intervention opportunities, online schools offers to the students and families of 2006 what the computer breakthroughs of the past several decades offered to the business community. Simply put, online schools have the ability to provide every individual with the right information in the right format at the right time for optimal success.

Online schools were once considered the wave of the future. That future is now and the online revolution continues to shape the world of real life education without the boundaries of classroom walls.

Susan Bond works for - used by several high schools and school districts, including an Ohio online school.Celia Blog26522
Bell Blog2308

Dealing With CHANGE: The Wind In Your Face

A young man, with more money than sense, buys the hottest, fastest, most expensive sports car available -- a Ferrari GTO -- and takes it out for a spin. He stops at a light, and an old man on a moped pulls up next to him. "What kind of car yaw' got there, sonny?" A brand new Ferrari GTO. It cost a quarter of a million dollars!" "That's a lot of money". "Why does it cost so much?" "Because it's the hottest, fastest car there is - it can do up to 320 miles per hour!" "Mind if I look inside?" "No problem." The old man leans into the window as far as he can and looks around, then sitting back said, "That's pretty slick, all right!"

Just then the light changes. The young man decides to show the old man just what his car can do. He floors it, and within 30 seconds the speedometer reads 160 mph. Suddenly, he notices a dot in his rear view mirror. It seems to be getting closer and then suddenly . . . hhhooooosssshhh! Something whips by him, going much faster!

"What on earth could be going faster than my Ferrari?" the young man thinks. Then, ahead of him, he sees a small dot coming straight toward him. Whooooosh! It goes by again, heading in the opposite direction! "Couldn't be." "How could a man on a moped outrun a Ferrari?" But again, he sees a dot in his rear view mirror. Whoooosh, Kabbbblaaammm! It plows into the back of the car, demolishing the rear end.

The young man jumps out of the car and sees - it IS the old man! He runs up to him lying on the concrete and says, "Oh, dear - Is there anything I can do?" The old man wheezes, "Young feller, could you unhook my suspenders from your side-view mirror?"

Sometimes in life, you can feel just like the old man. The faster you move forward, the more the wind blows against your face. Encountering difficulty and resistance? Its because you're making significant progress. Those who have no problems ever venture to accomplish anything. Those who face the most challenges, often create the most value. When a particular problem arises, its because you have progressed to the point where you can deal with it and are ready for where it can bring you. See obstacles as a gateway, thats their true value. Each new challenge is a stepping-stone to meaningful accomplishment. So, feel the stiff wind as it blows against your face. You're feeling your rapid movement forward!

Nature wont let us stay in any one place too long- just long enough to gather the experience necessary for the souls unfolding. The Universe never gives you more than you are capable of handling.

In every person's life there have been instances, which seemed completely shattering, (Ive had my share!) It takes perception and patience to see beyond what appears to be useless and painful. Appreciate that the larger system, the Good, remains intact no matter how chaotic everything in our own little world may seem. We live in a spiritual Universe that is governed by spiritual law and intelligence.

No matter how frightening a situation may be, it is still transitory. Only the Good is lasting. The rest came to pass. Look back in your life and recall the times when you were frantic over some crisis or misfortune that seemed to be the end of everything. Where is that challenge now? Where are the people who were standing in the way of your Good?

When change seems to be THRUST upon you and it looks like its happening TO you, don't get all hung up in the "story." Sit back, wait for a deeper meaning to be revealed. It will!

If the wind of change is chafing your face lately, commit to NOT telling the story for at least 1 week not even to yourself! Just be with it. Invite the answer to this question: What greater understanding, what deeper awareness of the Law's operation in my life is this experience offering me? Then, sit back and enjoy the ride!

Dr. Toni LaMotta has spoken internationally, authored several books and numerous articles and has served as a consultant, and trainer to a variety of corporations. Her experiences range from being a high school teacher to working with some of the top companies, associations, and organizations in the world. She served as a Catholic nun and pastoral associate for 16 years before discovering New Thought. Bibbye Blog31086
Annabal Blog83633

Challenges of Online Education

Enrollment in online education is at an all time high, according to a recent study by the Sloan Consortium. Based on responses from more than 2,200 colleges and universities across the U.S., the study reveals that 3.2 million students took at least one online course in the fall of 2005, an increase of 850,000 more than the year before. The report is available at

With the rise in popularity of e-learning comes some unique challenges not extant with more traditional classrooms. Students need to be aware of the differences between online and traditional classes and be prepared to make the necessary adjustments. Significant challenges faced by online students include the following:

- Technical problems. Computer hardware and peripheral devices such as printers, modems and routers are not indestructible; as with any other man-made device, they can break down or malfunction at the most inopportune time. In addition to equipment failure, an older computer may be incompatible with some software required for the course. Viruses, trojans, spyware and other malware could infect a computer, causing it to run poorly or not at all. A slow internet connection might cause problems logging into class, retrieving and submitting assignments, and posting to threaded discussions. Any of these problems could cause a great deal of frustration for the student trying to complete course assignments. Therefore, it is important for the student to have access to a backup computer to use in case of equipment malfunction.

- Staying motivated. Going to school always requires a certain level of motivation from a student regardless of whether its a "bricks-and-mortar" institution or online class. In a traditional classroom setting, a student has live, face-to-face interaction with the instructor and fellow students -- a camaraderie that may help boost enthusiasm and motivation for the course. In an internet-based class however, there is no live contact with instructor and classmates -- the student works alone in a virtual environment. This lack of live contact may lead to a feeling of isolation, and make it difficult for a student without a high internal commitment or personal drive to stay motivated during the course.

- Self-discipline. As with motivation, a student needs good self-discipline to succeed online. The freedom and flexibility of e-learning is what's so attractive to many people. There's no obligation to login to class at any particular time or place -- you can go to class and do your assignments whenever it's convenient for you. However, this same freedom can lead to procrastination, and cause the unwary or undisciplined student to fall behind in his assignments. Once behind, it can be difficult to catch up.

- It's difficult to improve oral communication skills. There are many classes such as speech, drama, debate, teacher education and so forth that require the student to make oral presentations in front of a group of people. With online courses this is not practical, as the classroom is virtual, and the students are not all gathered together at one time in one room. A student wishing to improve oral communication skills may need to take these classes in a traditional classroom course.

- Classes with lab or hands-on requirements may not be available online. If a lab course cannot be simulated or practically offered online, a student will need to take the course at a local college campus or other location with the necessary facilities for completing the course work.

Students considering taking online courses need to be aware of these and other challenges, and be prepared to meet them in order to be successful online. If any challenge seems insurmountable, the student should reconsider the online option and perhaps take a traditional ground-based course instead.

Jesse Whitehead earned his B.S. in Business Administration from an online university in 2005. For more information about online education visit Blog54375
Asia Blog59255

Tampa Schools Take Safety Seriously

Everyone in any school system has a desire to keep kids safe. Parents, teachers, administrators, and school board members and employees work together to ensure the safety of students. Parents and schools alike rely on each other to educate their students on safety rules as appropriate to the age of the children. Tampa Schools are highly conscious of the need to keep their students safe, and have plans in place which do so. Two such plans in Tampa Schools are the Life Threatening Allergy (LTA) Responsibility Commitment, and the Jessica Lunsford Act.

The Life Threatening Allergy Commitment is in place to save childrens lives. Millions of children throughout the country suffer from life threatening allergies, and Tampa Schools are ready to deal with any situation that may arise. All members of the district of Tampa Schools have responsibilities to keep kids safe, including, but not limited to the students themselves, parents, and all Student Nutrition Services employees. The details of this plan may be reviewed at the Tampa Schools website.

Effective September 1, 2005, changes in legislation under the Jessica Lunsford Act (a law enacted after the abduction and murder of Jessica Lunsford) now require all Tampa Schools contractors, subcontractors, and their employees to undergo a Level II background screening. This screening consists of an FDLE/FBI search. If a Tampa Schools contractor or their employees or subcontractors and their employees will be at any of Tampa Schools when students are present, have direct contact with students, or have access to or control of school funds, they will be required, as mandated by Florida State Law to undergo this screening.

If the contractor or subcontractors have no personnel who meet any of the three criteria, the law does not apply and no action is necessary. The fingerprints must be kept current and are required to be updated every five years. Any break in service to Tampa Schools will require individuals to be re-screened at their cost. Outside agencies reports will not be accepted. Prior to being fingerprinted, each individual will be required to disclose any previous criminal history on the Criminal Record Information form. This document must be received and cleared by the Tampa Schools Office of Professional Standards before being fingerprinted. All individuals will be required to meet the background qualification guidelines for contractors before being considered eligible for Tampa Schools site access.

After eligibility is assessed, notification of such will be sent to the contractor, along with the clearance for his or her employee(s) to report to Fingerprinting. The potential Tampa Schools contractor will receive a document that indicates the employee has been fingerprinted and is now considered an approved contractor/employee once the district receives the fingerprint return from FDLE/FBI. This usually takes 24 to 48 hours. Additionally, contractors will be mailed ID badges for their employees that must be worn at all times while present at any Tampa Schools campus. It is obvious that the district of Tampa Schools is highly aware of the necessity of keeping its students safe.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information please visit Blog45580
Alexis Blog8306

Luxury Home Owners are Remodeling For A Quick Sale

High priced homes all over are getting a quick remodel in order to the best house available on the market. Homeowners are updating the kitchen, putting in the best patio, or remodeling the master bathroom at all costs. These folks know that whatever the price of a fabulous remodel will pay off in the end when their house is the best and has the quickest sale.

One of the key ways to raise the value of an already valuable home is to do an extensive kitchen remodel. There is just nothing like a new Thermador range or that gourmet kitchen space. Thermador offers appliances from ovens to refrigerators to coffee machines. They are high-end items and add value to the home as well as making a fine presentation. In fact, a kitchen remodel can be the focal selling point in a luxury home.

Overall curb appeal is also taken to a whole new level when it comes to premier properties. Concrete for example has taken a new turn with stamped concrete which is a newer design concept which began back east in the 1950's. It is finally coming into its own upscale designer treatment with the invention of more technically correct stamping tools which make it hard to determine if an item is really paved with slate or stamped with a concrete pattern. Stamp patterned driveways and patios add that special touch to the outside of your home. When you remodel the outside of your home it really adds flair as well as value. Fancy driveways, patios and walkways are a great selling point.

Many are willing to buy the upscale home and then do extensive remodeling once they take possession of the residence. People buying luxury homes are looking for something a bit above the rest and they want amenities in the home to reflect their leisurely lifestyle. They are open to adding any features that aren't already present in the home if they want it bad enough. These buyers have specific requirements in the homes they buy, such as elaborate security systems, gourmet or designer kitchens, home theaters to seat 6 or more, and even wine cellars. As a result, they are willing to do extensive remodels on their homes to raise their property value. They desire furniture and dcor to match their lavish taste.

When it comes to remodeling, the options are limitless and it really does come down to personal preference and improving the overall value in your home will be a great benefit down the road - so go for it!

Alexis Hunter is the Marketing Director for The Morel Group,, which specializes in Fine Rancho Cucamonga Homes. The Morel Team Marketing Experts spare no expense in showcasing your property.Barb Blog17306
Ashlan Blog77277

Discover the Field of Natural Medicine in Online Education Programs

With the rise of online degrees and the opportunities it provides students, Natural medicine has seen a huge increase in employment opportunities.

What is Natural Medicine?

Natural medicine, one of the fastest growing fields in the 21st century, includes several different fields such as naturopathy, nutrition, herbology, massage therapies, acupuncture, and many other types of holistic medicine.

As more people begin to experiment with homeopathic medicine in their lives, the demand for alternative medicine practitioners will continue to increase.

Online Programs for Natural Medicine

Although certain types of natural medicine, such as massage therapies and acupuncture, need practical hands-on experience, there are several other types that can be studied online.

Like all online classes, these programs can be done at your own convenience from your home computer, allowing you to continue with your full-time job or any other obligations while studying for a career in alternative medicine.

The entry requirements and offered online courses for these programs vary greatly, so it is worth investigating the specific classes you wish to take carefully before selecting one.

Career Opportunities for Graduates of Homeopathic Medicine

One in-demand career choice in alternative medicine is a nutrition consultant. This involves educating your clients about their nutritional needs and how to balance their diet for optimum health.

Another option is to study holistic medicine and become a Holistic Health Practitioner. This involves learning a combination of naturopathy, nutrition, herbs, and various mind/body therapies.

Or you could focus strictly on herbs and become a professional Herbalist, since many people today seek these natural medicine remedies to fight common ailments.

Demand for all of these careers and more will continue to increase as natural medicine becomes even more popular in this new millennium. With the convenience of online classes and online degrees available for Homeopathic Medicine, your opportunity to move into this field is exciting.


Nancy Lambert is an executive for provides information on hundreds of degrees offered online through accredited colleges and universities. From online certificates to Associates, Bachelors, Masters and PhD degrees, helps students and adults discover the advantages of earning their degree online.Brunhilde Blog78443
Bernita Blog69684

Smoking -- Don't Do It!

"Smoking has a detrimental effect on nutrition. Smokers break down Vitamin C about twice as fast as nonsmokers. This can deprive the body of adequate amounts of . . . versatile antioxidants . . . Other antioxidants are depleted as well. Cigarette smoke contains a compound . . . that oxidizes (destroys) the antioxidant vitamins . . . damage to DNA. The accelerated antioxidant damage, in combination with the DNA damage, SPEEDS THE AGING PROCESS". This is according to James F.Balch, M.D.

We read and hear about how bad smoking is for us on a daily basis--yet people continue to smoke--why? Because they are addicted and it is difficult to quit. Some say that it is harder to quit smoking than to quit heroin addiction. Why does this happen? It is reported that one reason is that the tolerance to nicotine develops very rapidly. This means that to experience the sense of pleasure and relaxation (this is real and is attributed to some of the same hormonal and chemical changes that are the most damaging to the body) that made the smoker enjoy smoking, he/she must smoke more and more to get the same satisfaction. Thus, a 2 a day cigarette habit increases to 1 then 2 or more packs a day.

What does this mean to those who smoke, live with smokers or know smokers? It doesn't mean to criticize them--it does mean that we need to provide education and offer PROTECTION FOR THE SMOKER AND THOSE WHO ARE EXPOSED TO THEIR SMOKE.

There is still a lot of debate about the damages of second hand smoke; however there is good research to indicate that the children who are exposed to tobacco smoke on a regular basis are at increased risk for respiratory diseases, cancer and leukemia.


There are thousands of potentially dangerous compounds in tobacco. Let's just talk about the one we know the most about: NICOTINE: It raises blood pressure, raises the metabolic rate and drives nutrients out of the body, causes the tissues of your skin to be dull and gray looking (the tissues are starving for oxygen), deprives the cells and blood of oxygen, causes muscles to tense, affects your body temperature, causes hormonal changes, the list could go on.


Cigarettes are a factor in 17% of deaths in the US annually

Heart Disease is more prevalent in smokers than nonsmokers

1/3 of cancer deaths are related to smoking

85% of those with chronic obstruction pulmonary disease are smokers

85% of lung cancer cases are related to smoking

AND IF THAT ISN'T ENOUGH smoking is also linked to angina, blocked arteries, cataracts, bronchitis, asthma, colon cancer, impotence, urinary problems, and many other respiratory conditions because it paralyzes the cilia which are supposed to clear the mucous from your body. AND WOMEN it can lead to earlier menopause.

WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I QUIT? The healing process begins immediately--hopefully you have escaped some of the more damaging conditions--Within 24 hours blood pressure and pulse rate begin to normalize; blood oxygen begins to improve, your sense of taste and smell begin to normalize, it is easier to breathe and within one week your risk for a heart attack decreases.

HOW DO I PROTECT MYSELF AND OTHERS AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE? You need to supply the body with optimum nutrition on a daily basis to try and keep up with the nutrition that is being driven from your body. The most comprehensive regimen:Limu Plus (1 oz 2x) VitaOne or VitChe (both as directed) as a foundation, Coral Calcium (as dir), Super ViGest (it is essential that you breakdown the nutrients that you so desperately need), Revitalgen (2 between breakfast and lunch and 2 between lunch and dinner for 60 days; then 2 a day as dir) and Vita Enhanced Water (smoking dehydrates your system and creates acid conditions, so, you need lots of water and this water hydrates better and counteracts the acids). These six are the minimum protection for those exposed to the smoke. The smoker, the smoker who has quit (follow the extra guidelines for at least 90 days) and the smoker who is trying to quit needs extra help: Probiotic (as directed) Garlic (1 3x a day). Omega III (1 3x), C-Crystals (1/2 tsp 3x), CoQ10 (1 mg per 1 lb of body weight), CellRich (2 3x a day for 10 days; then 1 or 2 a day), and to help the liver with its cleansing job, VitaMarin (1 2x a day).

SPECIAL TIP: IF YOU ARE TRYING TO QUIT, REMEMBER, THE STRONG URGE FOR THE CIGARETTE LASTS 3-5 MINUTES so try to occupy yourself for that time: run, do push ups, talk to someone, something.

ALSO, they say that the urge for "mouth feel" is strong--DO NOT suck on candy. The sugars will increase your craving. INSTEAD eat 1/2 of an Appetizer Diet Cookie or suck on a Chewable Vitamin C . . . it tastes like a tart candy; but either one of them will satisfy your nutritional craving instead of creating one.

I apologize that this is so long; but if it helps save one life--ISN'T IT WORTH IT?

Love You All

Jana Mitcham

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

No one understands the dynamics of health and wellness better than Jana Mitcham. Jana's commitment to helping people live healthier, happier lives has made her an industry favorite. Now, her wealth of expertise is focused on building Vitamark International.Bernadine Blog76582
Ajay Blog83091

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