Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Why I'm A "B-Level Marketer!"

At a recent Internet marketing seminar, I was sitting around the hotel lobby with approximately 20 other seminar attendees and speakers. The seminar's host was in attendance, and the conversation covered a range of internet marketing topics with extreme frankness. Our proximity to the hotel bar certainly contributed to our "conviviality."

At some point in the conversation, one of the attendees turned to me, and said, "You know Willie, you and I are B-Level marketers. I'm sorry to be frank, but we are."

We smiled and continued, with me not even responding to the comment. However, later one of my friends who witnessed the event said to me, "You're not a 'B-Level marketer!"

For those unfamiliar with the term, it's just a loose way that some in Internet marketing circles categorize various marketers.

"A-Level marketers" are at the top of the heap. They are the best at what they do, and usually the most seasoned. They often came from direct sales backgrounds before going online. They also have a proven ability to sell a LOT of products during any major product promotion.

"B-Level marketers" are mid-level marketers. They are usually successful, but not at the level of the "A-Level marketers." Often the "B-Level marketers" just haven't been in the Internet marketing niche as long, and are still learning. They are what many would consider "up and coming" or "rising stars." They have figured out how things work, but don't do things on as grand a scale as "A-Level marketers."

"C-Level marketers" are still very much in the learning stages. They often haven't achieved much success. Many of them are in what is often called the "fake it until you make it" stage. Those who are teachable and persistent are destined to move up to higher levels.

The definitions above are my loose definitions. Others would probably include other levels, or levels within levels, but that's beyond the scope of this article.

After that conversation, I had to ask myself two questions:

1) Am I a "B-Level marketer?"

2) Why, after 11 years of online marketing would I still be a "B-Level marketer?"

During deep introspection, I concluded that even though I've hosted two live seminars, hosted dozens of teleseminars, spoken at dozens of events to include internationally, written four successful physical books, coach dozens of people, have created roughly 100 of my own products, and own/manage over 1600 websites, I may indeed by a "B-Level marketer."

The answer to the second question is because I connect more with my customers than with many of the "A-Level marketers."

Let me explain...

Most successful Internet marketers readily acknowledge that MOST people who buy our products and services will not use them. They buy them, looking for magic solutions, begin to go through them, and then get distracted and go off in search of easier magic solutions. That's a fact, and there is really nothing that we can do about it. We can only provide our marketplace with products and services that would actually solve their problems IF the customers actually used them.

I am a "B-Level marketer" because I don't press my customers as hard as I could to avail themselves of my products and services. People like Jay Abraham teach that if you're absolutely convinced that your product or service will improve your clients' lives, then you have a moral obligation to get those products or services into their hands. I agree with that, but again, stop short of really pushing them to do what I honestly believe is best for them.

The Internet marketing world is awash in hyperbole (hype), and I simply try not to add too much to the "noise!" I know that people make buying decisions based upon emotion and then later try to justify that buying decisions with logic. I understand the hot buttons, can write powerful copy, and have even won affiliate sales contests.

My faults, that keep me from being an "A-Level marketer are:

1) I know what it feels like to juggle bills and not answer the phone when creditors are hounding you. So I don't want to push people in that situation into spending money on things that they are just going to stick on the shelf... even when I know that those things can change their lives.

2) I know what it feels like to be trapped by poverty and have that feeling of complete hopelessness. I wrote of this in my autobiography, "Git Off The Porch"... which you can read about at So, again, I don't push people to buy things that they need but are unlikely to use! Incidentally, I wrote that biography to inspire people who find themselves in this exact situation. I do that by showing that I was in the same situation, and yet I now live a life that is beyond many people ability to imagine.

Finally, I'm a "B-Level marketer" because of the purpose I have chosen for my life. I see my natural purpose in this universe as being to be of service to others. To me that makes being an Internet marketer much more than a job or career... it makes it "a calling." My calling is to teach those willing to put in the work... how to actually build a successful online business.

So there you have, "Why I'm A B-Level Marketer!" I honestly hope that you will strive to be one too, and in the process help many people to achieve financial independence and their other dreams.

Willie Crawford has taught thousands how to build successful online businesses since late-1996. His membership site contains over 40 interviews of leading online marketers sharing their views on "How To Break Into The Internet Marketing Inner Circle." You can access those powerful and shocking interviews at: Blog1172
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